Susan Poizner


Susan Poizner is the founder of Orchard People Fruit Tree Care Consulting and Education. She is a journalist, filmmaker, urban orchardist, and creator of In 2009, she co-founded the Ben Nobleman Park Community Orchard in Toronto. She planted our trees with lots of hope and optimism, but it didn’t take long before the problems started. In researching solutions, she developed a simple way to grow organic fruit trees successfully that would help her care for and protect the trees in the park. She went on to author the award-winning fruit tree care book, Growing Urban Orchards (winner of Garden Writers Association Silver Award of Achievement 2014 Book: General Interest) and to train thousands of people in Canada, the U.S. and abroad through her online courses at Susan also teaches in-person workshops and live webinars and provides free fruit tree care articles, videos and online at her award-winning website, (winner of GardenComm Gold Award of Achievement 2021 Website: Personal Overall).